
Never say never

2016-12-31 23:28
This year I took a trip I never imagined I could take, I did something I promised myself never to do, and I am on the verge of something I never thought would happen.
“If everything seems under control, you’re not going fast enough” (Mario Andretti)
It has been a beautiful, amazing and intense year in which I willingly let go of my grip on everything, and embraced (most of the time and to the best of my ability) all the fear and excitement that went along with it. The biggest lesson I learned is to never say never, because I can try and steer my life but I can’t control the road ahead and I don’t want to try. I want to leave my heart open for the unexpected.
I end 2016 with no more stability than I started it, just more humility, more awareness and much more gratitude.
I understand and accept that I am a tiny player in this universe and what I want in 2017 is to be kind and generous to friends and strangers, to let go of judgement of people and actions (and political inclinations), to try and be positive and be able to create and spread hope and calm and love.
I am not ready for a new year and the changes that will come along with it. But like most events in my life, I somehow manage to muster the courage to jump and hope for the best. Here’s to hoping for all of us.