
42 beds later we turn a page

2016-07-18 23:17
In 4 months we counted 42 different beds in 6 countries and who knows how many cities. So far it has been quite the adventure but today we say goodbye to this part of the trip in order to start the next one. After tons of packing and unpacking, and traveling in busses, shuttles, boats, tuktuks, mototaxis, and going from warm to cold to hot to humid, we are craving a little bit of “sameness” and a little bit of a break from the constant planning and researching and hostel finding and haggling and veggie food scavenging.
We decided to spend one whole month (!) in a cabin next to the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina so that we can do nature hikes (for me) and go to the movies and eat donuts (for Avri).
Our last day in Guatemala was spent with an old friend, a new friend and their adorable little girl who I would have happily taken with me. I hadn’t seen my friend in years and it was so nice to see him, meet his family, and be in such a warm and welcoming home. This is the perfect way to say goodbye to Latin America.
Off we are to new adventures. Let the good times roll.